Evergreen Pet Supplies Ltd. is a Pet Supplies Distributor located in Hong Kong, we do not manufacture reptile or aquarium products of any kind, nor do we sell or import any products from Impresa Products LLC or Evergreen Pet Supplies in the US.

The trademark shown below is not a registered trademark of Evergreen Pet Supplies Ltd., and in no way are Evergreen Pet Supplies Ltd. affiliated, associated or connected with this trademark or to products produced under this trademark.

Non Affiliated Trademark with Evergreen Pet Supplies Ltd.
Trademark not affiliated, connected or associated with Evergreen Pet Supplies Ltd

The above ‘Evergreen Pet Supplies’ trademark is registered by Impresa Products LLC, for more information on the above trade mark or their products, please contact Impresa Products LLC or check out their trademark registration link: https://trademarks.justia.com/871/86/evergreen-pet-87186859.html